
Solutions Porcelain and Ceramic Tile

Porcelain and Ceramic Tile

Discover the Best Selection of Porcelain and Ceramic Tile - Upgrade Your Home Today!

Add style and durability to your home with our selection of porcelain and ceramic tile options. Our collection includes a variety of colors, patterns, and finishes, making it easy to find the perfect tile for your space. Whether you're looking for a modern backsplash for your kitchen, a classic look for your bathroom, or a statement floor, our team is here to help you find the right tile to fit your style and needs. With options from several tile lines, you're sure to find the right solution for your home. Visit our showroom to see our beautiful tile displays and speak with our knowledgeable staff.

Porcelain and Ceramic Tile example

Porcelain and Ceramic Tile

Upgrade your space today with porcelain and ceramic tile from Scranton Supply!

Porcelain and Ceramic Tile Gallery

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Family-owned Serving Norfolk Since 1975

Scranton Flooring is committed to quality and value with an atmosphere of hometown friendly service. We are able to offer competitive and reasonable prices. Stop in to our flooring store and let Scranton Flooring and Supply help you design your home or business.

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